Saturday, February 13, 2010

I'm still home - but I'm not my old self

I'm home - that is definitely the good news. The bad news is that I am still a bit quiet and not pooping. My doctor says that mommy should not worry about the not pooping but, well you know mommy, she's gonna there's a good chance I'm gonna get some lactulose tonite.

This is me when I got home last night
This morning we went to see the vet - it wasn't so bad they didn't do any poking or proding and I wasn't dehydrated - which probably had something to do with mommy syringing the water down me last night....that mommy just won't give up!!!!

Then we went to Pet Smart to get me some food - all I've had for 10 days is boiled chicken and the vet thinks I need to get back to my kibble....since daddy bought the wrong stuff by accident we had to go get the right stuff - we also go me a new bed....something to do with my "ruining" one of my many beds .... you figure it out.... anyway this time mommy got away from the black and white and I got something colorful.

This is me sniffing it and checking it out....I was feeling pretty good at that time. it's 5:00 and I'm not so perky - Mom is trying to get me to eat - but I'm not having any of it... so I'm chillin in my new bed.

My BAT's will be back next week - hopefully it won't say I've got a lousy liver. We know it's small but we don't think it's lousy....but we'll know more next week. They took a whole bunch more bloodwork - so they're looking for other things too. It's obviously intentestinal since I'm fully of gas......[Tank...we don't need any comments from you on my gaseousness - remember I'm sick so save it for another day buddy!]

The worst part is that I have been so stressed that I haven't prepared anything for my beautiful Suzuki for Valentine's - fortunately Suzi is totally aware of my undying love and she will forgive me.

I need to go because mommy is nudging me to eat something - so I need to go - I really should eat because I need my antibiotic and I can't take it unless I eat - if I don't take it I will never get well......


  1. Checkers,

    We're so sorry you're not feeling well and will keep our paws crossed that you're back to your usual self in no time.

    We were sick not too long ago as well and mom make us drink Pedialyte with a syringe as well... yuck!

    Enjoy your new bed and eat as much as you can and rest, it will really help.

    Sending you licks and belly rubs on Valentine's day.


  2. we love your new bed and your momma was so right getting one with so much colour to help brighten your mood, we see your sad eyes but have our paws crossed that you will be back to your chipper wee self soon loves and licks!!

  3. Wow that is a purdy colorful bed! Just looking at it should make you feel some better. We hope the tests come back with good news. Of course the greatest news ever would be that you are ALL better!

    Pee ess,
    Mom bought us a new bed today too. I might post a picture in a few days.


  4. I'm sorry woo are still not being your usual Checker-iffikh self...

    Paws khrossed fur woo (and your pawrents too)!

    Happy Valentine's Day to ALL of WOO!


  5. You must eat Checkers, I am eating pasta with tomato sauce on it and veggies because mommy has some weird Mediterranean thing going on and her food is always better. Anyway you are looking a little perkier.
    And I like your new bed.
    Your friend,

  6. We've talked to our Angel Grandpee and he's going to be keeping a special eye on you - you'll be feeling better soon.

    You certainly do look extra comfy in your new bed - just relax and get lots of sleep - don't let Mum worry to much...

    Feel better...


  7. Checkers, please be a good pup and eat your food so you can have your medicine. We sure hope you are feeling better tomorrow. Your bed is beautiful - that should perk you up.

    Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.

    Woos, Phantom and Thunder

  8. Checkers, I heard on Facebook that you were not well - I really hope that as I type this, you are on the mend. Sending healing vibes from afar...

  9. So sorry to hear you still feel bad. We just love that new bed...It looks extra fluffy!

    Wags and Licks,
    Mollie Jo & Bobo

  10. Your new bed is so colorful and beautiful, Checkers! You need to eat to keep up your strength! Our paws remain crossed for you!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  11. I hope that you feelway better way soon Checkers!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!!

    Dory and Bilbo

  12. I would never poke fun at you when you're sick... I'm sorry you felt the need to caution me.

    Sounds like you're doing better today and I'm happy for that.
