Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hello Bloggie Friends -

Hello - friends - I didn't realize just how long it had been since mom had been here - in her defense she is very busy. But today I'm forcing her to catch up - of course, I had to get sick to be able to get her to sit still for me. I've been kinda puny all week - and mom's been really paying attention and trying to help me feel better but nothing has been working - then this morning she got very concerned - mostly because I hadn't moved since yesterday afternoon and I refused even my specially boiled chicken so she took me to the fancy new vet she met while selling her insurance. They're real nice and everything but let's face it - they're VETS!!!! Anyway, before we left mom called the University of Tennessee to get my records sent on over and also to let them know that I might be headed that way - We got to the vet and she was really nice - I already know all the techs over there since I go with mommy when she goes over there so I was comfortable...They weighed me and mom got all stressed out because I had lost a whole pound - I had a little fever but there wasn't any blood in my poo - so that was good. I was however a little bit dehydrated - No surprise since I haven't been drinking any water lately - They decided to do some blood work and take a few X-rays.

It seems my ALT levels were a bit elevated - around 350 - BIG DEAL - I've managed to get them all the way up to 1000 before and I survived!!!!- Then the new vet thought she had made a big discovery when she looked at the x-ray and found out I have a teeny-tiny liver! I said 'read the chart chickie' - she soon discovered that was NOT big news. Bottom line is my itsy-bitsy liver looks just dandy - and I hadn't eaten anything abnormal or swallowed anything strange - I'm just SICK - Who knows, maybe I have the piggy flu - uh, I mean H1N1.

They wanted to keep me overnight on IV fluids but mom said no - she preferred not to - but if necessary we'd go to UT and she'd sit with me till the IV finished. But, instead they hydrated me subtaneously [sp?] and gave me an antibiotic shot. They sent me home with mom and a pack of antibiotics and some pills for the 'runs". I actually felt better by the time I got home and I ate my chicken.

I've been home for about 7 hours now and I haven't thrown up at all - I am still a little "runny" but mom doesn't mind. She is however still a little stressed about the $512 check she wrote to the vet. She's hoping that the insurance will pay it in full - and that they don't rule it "pre-existing" since this is sorta-kinda what happened last year - But we'll see.....either way - I'm on the mend.

Now - let me tell you about mom - Well, she's pretty busy with the "Revitalization Effort" - she's begging for something everyday from somebody. She's doing a pretty good job of it too. She's now working on getting the capital campaign started to raise the first $500,000 - This past week was stressful because she had to get liability insurance in place for the volunteers - she needed about $4,000 to get the insurance - Leave it to mom - she raised a little over $8000 in about 2 hours and had the insurance in place within the day. Next week is a busy week for her - She has to start work on a grant - it's for $700,000 and includes bricks and morter which is a big deal. She had been working on a $250,000 planning grant but the mean old people at the CVB told her it was their Preserve America Grant and she couldn't have any of it - They only wanted $50,000 of the money and mom still can't understand why they are leaving 200,000 on the table. CITY POLITICS - I don't understand them - but they sure do get mom a little ticked off -

Oh yeah - mom had to go to the doctor for a check up - She wasn't feeling sick or anything - she just went in - The doctor was not too happy with her tho - Her blood pressure was 195/95 - WHOA - they almost put her in the hospital. Mom told them to "chill out" she was fine - But the doctor wasn't convinced. They did and EKG or something and it was fine - so the doctor agreed to start her on some medicine and make her check her BP 4 times a day. If it goes back up above 180 on the top mom is supposed to call the doctor - I know mom and it's pretty unlikely that she will call....but she is taking her medicine.

Here is some video of me last night - for those of you who know me - you know that is not me being so quiet there.


  1. We were sad when we saw this news on FB -

    We hope woo are khontinuing to feel better -

    That video made Mom so sad - we look sooooo not WOO!

    Paws krhossed fur ALL of woo!


  2. Hi - glad you wrote this. Makes me so sad to see Checkers feeling so puny. Give him a pat on the head for us. K

    And take care of yourself too!

  3. Checkers!
    I hope you feel better soon!
    And your Mom too!
    Paws crossed for you two!
    Kisses and hugs

  4. Checkers. Dude. You are my main man! I know you are not feelin well, not one bit at all... but tell me how I can help!

    I am prayin for you, my Pal.

    Me and the Mom went out and took great pause at the St Francis (who I broke at the elbows some time back) and prayed for the you.

    Checkers, you are my best Dude! And I love you, pal!!!

  5. w00fs Checkers, u gits to feeling better, ok...ur mama will help has u in me prayers..

    b safe,

  6. Checkers, you and your Mommy get better, you have been one sick pup but sounds like you may be on the mend. Mom sounds like she has been BUSY. SO good to hear from you all.
    TC and Dispatch

  7. Hi Checkers!!! Nice to hear from you. I sure hope you feel better soon!!! We missed you!


  8. Oh poor Checkers. That video made us so sad! We are sorry you are not feeling well and hope you and your mom can SLOW DOWN and get some rest. We miss you!


  9. Oh dear Checkers, sick news all around. We hope you start feeling better very soon and tell your Mom to take care because high blood pressure is VERY serious business. :)


  10. Health scares are no fun - so we're happy to hear that you're both doing better and coming along. For high blood pressure, you know what really helps? Keeping your blood well oxygenated and hydrated - breathing and drinking water or water containing fluids. And you have to breathe while you exercise and exercise is a great curer of health evils. So tell momma to get walking - wear a pedometer - while she does all of her work for the community. And count her steps! Dong something for the community and herself.

  11. hello checkers its dennis the vizsla dog hay long time no sniff!!! i am sorry yoo wer feeling poorly but glad yoo ar feeling better hope yoo continyoo to improov!!! ok bye

  12. Hey Buddy! I've been missing you. Tell your mom thanks for updating us.
    When I get sick it is usually something very similar to what you are describing. I don't know why humans get so stressed about it. They get the stomach flu sometimes and they don't run to the human vet. I'm sorry you aren't feeling too good. We will be praying for you and your Mom. Tell her she needs to take some time to de-stress!
