Wednesday, June 24, 2009

R.I.P. Dakota

Dear Lord, please open your gates
and call St. Francis
to come escort this beloved companion
across the Rainbow Bridge.

Assign her to a place of honor,
for she has been a faithful servant
and has always done her best to please.

Bless the hands that send her to you,
for they are doing so in love and compassion,
freeing her from pain and suffering.

Grant them the strength not to dwell on their loss.
Help them remember the details of her life
with the love she has shown them.
And grant them the courage to honor her
by sharing those memories with others.

Let her remember them as well
and let her know that we will always love her.
And when it's our time to pass over into your paradise,
please allow her to accompany those
who will bring us home.

Thank you, Lord,
for the gift of her companionship
and for the time we've had together.

And thank you, Lord,
for granting us the strength
to give her to you now.


  1. Oh Checkers! What a sweet poem. We are heartbroken again about those tough decisions. My new mom and dad had lost their Golden Honey, and I see their tears sometimes....(even when I am snaggle-toothing their feet!)
    Thank you for posting Dakota, and the kind poem.
    Sierra Rose

  2. We are very sad over this news as well Checkers. :( How nice of you to do a poem.

    We hope you are doing well...we have missed you.

    Nala & Amber

  3. Checkers - that's a beautiful prayer.

  4. That is a beautiful tribute. Which blog does Dakota belong to?

    Anne and Sasha

  5. I'm going to have to stop reading all the puppy blogs. Too many puppies have been leaving us lately.

  6. what a lovely message. thank you checkers

    xo sugar & martine

  7. Checkers,
    That was such a nice post for Dakota. We will miss her.

  8. Checkers

    That was a lovely prayer from St Francis. A very fitting tribute to Dakota.

    Take care
    Clive and family

  9. Very nice of you Checkers.

    It's very sad your friend left...


  10. Mom is leaking again...I just know it even though she's at work and I'm at home waiting fur her...

    Tank woo fur sharing such a beaWOOtiful tribute to Princess Dakota!


  11. Beautiful poem, and beautiful tribute for such a beautiful Dakota. Such sad news.....

    Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

  12. Checkers,

    What a wonderful prayer. We will all miss beautiful Dakota.


  13. Thank you, Checkers and Mom, for your beautiful tribute to Dakota - we love you all. Mom can't stop crying here but she is so thankful for friends like you.

    Woos, the OP Pack and Kathie

  14. Sending cyber hugs and our deepest sympathy out to the OP Pack and thank you for sharing this beautiful prayer.

  15. Sending you hugs right now. As a dog owner I is indeed the right choice, you were a loving owner, the animals we home know this.

  16. My mama is crying.. She is sooo sad to read about any furfriends crossing the RAINBOW BRIDGE. I dont understand but I know that they are going to be okay there, mama says so. Ur a good furfriend to post about Dakota. Wow he was gorgeous I luff his eyes.. I hope his pawrents are doing okay.. loves loves and cuddles
    Bell girl

  17. Very nice post. Well said.

    Lots of treats -
    Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

  18. What a beautiful prayer. I hope all is well, and I'm so very sorry for what has happened.

    Lots of doggy kisses, and love U'.'U


  19. Hi Checkers,

    That is a great tribute to a very sweet doggy.

    RIP Dakota


  20. My sympathies to the OP pack, that was a really nice tribute Checkers.

  21. O Checkers, that was a beautiful tribute... a wonderful prayer.

    What a gorgeous girl Dakota is!

    I wish comfort and wonderful memories to her family, and to all who love her.

    wif love from the Luke

  22. Very sweet post. (Even though it made Mom cry.)

    *sad kissey face*

  23. What a wonderful tribute! Lots of dog kisses and loves to Dakota's humans.

    Sad Smile,

  24. What a beautiful prayer, Checkers!
    Our thoughts and prayers go out to Dakota's family.

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  25. Checkers, what a great prayer. I know Dakota's family appreciates it very much. I have been keeping them in my prayers as well.
    Love and hugs!

  26. Dear Checkers,
    What a lovely poem and prayer. We are so sad about the loss of beautiful Dakota. We are praying for her family with
    love and hugs xo

  27. Dear sweet Checkers,

    Thanks so so much for the beautful poem. We have lost too many dogs & kitties this year. It must be a lovely place, the bridge, with so many of our friends there, but I wish God would say, we are full up, you dogggies will have to go back to your loved one whole and sound again.

    Love Mona
